Climate Change Hoax

How I believe that “Climate Change” as defined by liberals, the United Nations is nothing but a power and money grabbing hoax.

First, I am not a scientist, and only have a few computer science classes above high school level. I did, however, graduate high school before 1979 (when the national department of education was founded). Back when we had 'Public Education, not the 'Government Education' we now have.

Simply the hoax is explained in this algebra formula;

Sun + Earth + Human Effect = Climate Change

What I believe, we are being fooled to believe, is the Sun and the Earth are constant, never changing, so the only thing that can cause climate change is what humans do. As I hope anybody with just a little bit of common sense can understand, nothing in nature is constant.

The formula should really be more like this formula, with all variables;

(Sun) + (Earth) + (Humans) = Nature's Way - not death and destruction of the world as we know it. Don't forget about all the flatuating cows

In the 70’s it was global ice age coming, and the hole in the ozone caused by spray deodorant. In the 80’s it was a debate over CO2. I remember both arguments; one side said the build-up would blot out the sun and cause the 70’s Ice Age, the other said the build-up would trap the sun’s heat close to the earth, and cause the whole earth to be a desert. Currently, I believe, (who can keep up) is climate change is happening and you absolutely must believe whatever the consensus of scientists say is absolutely true… and if you pay a tax, then everything will be OK.


One thing this whole “theory”, as we are to believe humans are causing this rapid decline in the way the climate works. As I see it, as a non-scientist, the whole thing depends on two constants. One, the sun is at a consistent, constant temperature. When I look up the Sun’s temperature it is almost always expressed as about 7800 degrees F on the surface. When I see about, I think of something like “We don’t really know the exact temperature because we don’t have instruments to measure exactly, or it is an average taken over time. I believe the latter is true. So, my non-college, non-liberal mind concludes, the amount of energy from the Sun to the Earth is not constant, so the this could be a reason for changes to the falling or rising temperatures on Earth.

The other is the Earth itself. As I remember, the Earth’s magnetic field deflects about 90% of the Sun’s energy. If the magnetic field didn’t do that we would burn up. Also, did you know there are two defined North and South Poles? True Poles, or the Earth’s axis. Magnetic Poles, the area that compasses points at. I learned a couple things here in my pre-government high school, the axis wobbles, and the magnetic poles move. My conclusion here is, both the wobbly axis and moving poles affect the magnetic field surrounding the Earth and that probably affects the how much heat or cold reaches the surface of the Earth. The Earth has an elliptical orbit. That means we are not always the same distance from the sun, thus not always receiving the same amount of energy from the sun. Also, the rotation of the earth is also not constant. In December 2016 we had an extra second , known as a leap second. And we have had a few seconds added since 1971. Atomic clocks prove the earth does not rotate at a consistent and constant rate.

I am not going to say these two paragraphs, are the definitive, final argument against climate change hoax. Humans do have some blame too. We have huge concrete buildings, miles of concrete roads. The building cause the winds to move differently and the concrete stores and releases heat. And we even put tons of carbon in the atmosphere with electric generating plants, and don’t forget about our cars, buses and planes.

I remember as well, CO2, the culprit of 'climate change', is also what plants use, in part for photosynthesis, to make oxygen and sugar energy.

I am sure that somebody reading this will say that it is not all that simple, I would not be able to argue. But, it is also not all that simple to say humans cause all the climate changes.

Now for another little jab at the left.

Currently, historians speculate about human sacrifice and why. Many believe the practices were to bring crops, bring rain, stop rain, to please some god. I imagine 100 years in the future, archaeologists and historians will speculate on this time their history. Here is how I see it.

“During the late 20th and early 21st centuries, there were fears of a coming ice age, then changed to global warming finally just “climate change”. Green Energy, along with taxes were thought to be the cure. During this same time frame, there were archaic practices, abortions, believed to be offerings to the liberal climate change gods to save the Earth from Climate Change. Most ardent believers in Climate Change also were the most ardent supports of abortion. We have long since discovered that neither were warranted.”